Thursday, December 24, 2009
Anyways, details!!!
Thanks everyone for the mazal tovs! No, we're not joining our blogs, two totally different blogs generally about totally different things.
I got engaged the day after one of my best friends, and since I had two wedding dresses (long story short: a friend gave me two wedding dresses several months ago for free) I took one and the other one worked perfectly for S.S. I'm really glad about that since I know neither of their parents are wealthy, and it's one less thing to have to spend money on.
Hopefully I'll have more of an update for everyone when I get back, but right now I really should get back to packing if I want to get a semi-reasonable amount of sleep tonight. See y'all in a week and a half!
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Mazal Tov!
Tuesday, December 08, 2009
Monday, December 07, 2009
Call Me Crazy...
Sunday, December 06, 2009
Eating Out (or Not)
I have this same problem in a way. But here, it's not with my friends, but with my family. My father and his family are not religious, and every year, twice a year the entire family gets together at a non-kosher restaurant to celebrate my grandmother's b-day and mother's day. My father insists that I come along, as it would make my grandmother happy to see her eldest grandchild. I typically either eat before, or I bring a wrapped sandwhich (which the restaurant usually doesn't know about). No way to avoid it for me.
Thursday, December 03, 2009
Burn Out
Friday, November 20, 2009
New York and Florida
Note: This is between NY (the city) and South Florida and not the states as a whole.
NY: Lots and lots of tall buildings.
SF: Buildings taller than 4-5 stories are unusual. Unless you're talking about downtown, which usually reminds me of NY in any case.
NY: Lots of leafy trees, and in the fall, the leaves actually fall...
SF: Palm trees, all different types, very few decidous trees.
NY: Lots of buildings made of brick witht he brick exposed.
SF: Buildings made of concrete, to keep the buildings cool.
NY: Public Transportation!!! (subways, trains, buses)
SF: None worth speaking of. Hard to get around without a car. See previous post about distances...
Monday, November 16, 2009
At Work...
"What are you doing?" - another boy passing by.
"Oh...hi! That was my twin brother...we were cloned."
"Riiiight." Other boy leaves.
Me - in the office trying not to crack up.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Jewish Geography and Working in a Jewish School
"There are so few of us that every time I see another frum Jew, it's like "Hey Frummy! Let's talk!"
We chatted for a few more minutes, then both went our seperate ways. It's nice to reach out and connect. Even just for a few minutes.
Wednesday, November 04, 2009
I Call Your B.S.!!!!
Alright, here is the letter, in it's entirety. Names are left out to protect the....well, I'll let you fill in the blank.
It was suggested to me in class this week that I ought to respect thebeliefs of others, or, if not respect their beliefs, than respect them.This claim was made particularly with respect to religious beliefs. Iwould like to explain why I hold the position I do: namely, that notonly do I not respect the beliefs of religious people, but in manyinstances, I also do not respect those persons.
First I'd like to point out the irony and hypocrisy of people who giveme a hard time for my view - they aren't very respectful of it! If youhold to the principle that people and beliefs ought to be respected,then you are actually committed to respecting the view that otherpeople's views and those people themselves ought not to be respected -thus, if you do not respect me and my beliefs, then you arecontradicting the very position you object to my not holding. Universalrespect actually obligates you to respect disrespect - which is why itis a self-defeating and ultimately absurd principle. It is the verysame people who advocate "respecting" literally everyone who alsoinsist on "tolerating" everything - even abject tolerance. Suchpositions are absurd, self-defeating extremes born of ill-thought andunreflective ideality, not reasoned consideration.
Anyway, I will state this with particular regard to religiousauthorities, for whom I hold no respect whatsoever. This is why. One oftwo things is likely to be the case with a religious figure. In thefirst place, I would maintain that religious figures, because they aredealing with unverifiable information, are no more competent a judge ofreligious “truths” than anyone else, and, lacking any genuine insightinto anything within the confines of theology, they are no morequalified than a layperson to be an authority on moral matters,scientific matters, or any other matters. This being the case, suchpersons are, with respect to the claims that they make, incompetent.Insofar as they are incapable of understanding, or object to scientificconflict with their views, they are also incompetent, and representingthemselves as authorities when in fact they are not is irresponsible.
Second, they may recognize this fact, or understand full wellobjections to their religious beliefs, and yet reject them anyway. Ifthis is so, then such persons are not only exhibiting willfulignorance, they are propagating this ignorance by preaching what theyought to know to be false or at least dubious to others, which, again,is irresponsible, and, I might add, morally reprehensible.
In neither case do such persons deserve respect. In reality, there isno such thing as a religious “authority”, not in the Pope, not in arabbi, nor a priest, nor an imam. There are no authorities on God anymore than there are authorities on faeries or unicorns. Just as none ofus ought to respect silly and ignorant beliefs, neither should werespect those who actively defend and promote silly and ignorantbeliefs – we should not respect them either because, A) they areincompetent, in which case my “disrespectful” charge of their beingstupid is vindicated, or, B) they are competent, in which case theyought to know better and are doing a positive moral wrong bypropagating ignorance. No one would call a psychotic cannibal whohonestly believed he was doing good by eating others a “good” person,simply because his motivations were good; why, then, should we call apreacher good if his motives are good, if his actions are, in fact,harmful to humanity? And, I submit, preaching religion is preachingignorance, and this is harmful to humanity. And, as it happens, moreharmful than cannibalism.
I will add as an aside that the Judeo-Christian religions not onlypropagate ignorance, they propagate hate, discrimination, and a host ofevils and harms: Christian apologists standardly oppose gay rights,women’s equality, and the moral standing of atheists. They oppose manythings that may very well be good for society, at least in someinstances: abortion, science education, stem cell research, euthanasia,sexual liberties of various forms, and birth control.
The Catholic Church actively campaigns to spread lies andmisinformation to the poor folks in Africa, claiming that condoms areevil and don’t work. This has led to untold human misery by increasingthe transmission of AIDS and continues overpopulation, and, ultimately,starvation of children. And this is the largest church on earth – withsuch vile ideas promoted all the way up its hierarchy to its leader,who was complicit in protecting child rapists and the hypocrisy andextortion of their clergymen. If complicity in the molesting ofchildren isn’t something someone ought to lose respect for, then whatis? And given that the present pope, previous pope, and very likely allor many of the present cardinals were aware of their church’sactivities, then I submit that not only are such persons not deservingof respect, but we have a moral obligation to publicly and vociferouslydisrespect and scorn such persons, and the hypocritical, bigoted idealswhich they purport to represent. And that's not even going into thehistory of an institution that committed itself to purging the world of"heathens", made an art of torturing innocents, and aggressivelysilenced truth-seeking scientists and philosophers.
Now, there are some billion or so Catholics in the world, who activelydonate to a misogynistic, homophobic hierarchy of greedy old menactively complicit in covering up and protecting child rapists amongtheir own ranks, many of whom themselves are child rapists. I impugnanyone who tells me I ought to “respect” persons who hold religiousbeliefs: such persons are, if not actively, then passively complicit inthe propagation of ignorance, and ignorance is the principle enemy ofprogress.
If anyone wishes to engage in a dialog about the matter of respect, I'dbe happy to. I am able and willing to put forth a reasoned and robustdefense of why I not only don't respect other people or their beliefsautomatically, but why I feel we have a moral obligation to go aboveand beyond this, and actually oppose and ridicule such persons (whenthey hold bad beliefs). If you object to this, it is not enough merelyto say that I "ought to" respect others - you must articulatelegitimate reasons why. Anything less is intellectual apathy and merelytrumpeting social norms you have no justification for believing.
Monday, November 02, 2009
Prompt #14
I was on the plane, on my flight back from Houston where I had been spending the past few days fighting off a horde of savages, otherwise known as a family re-union. I was looking forward to getting back to the peace and quiet of my apartment in New York, when I started to overhear the conversation of the couple sitting in front of me. Having nothing better to do, aside from read the book I brought, which currently held no appeal, I idly listened in.
“What do you mean, you don’t think you can do this anymore?” the man’s voice was low, his tone was slightly threatening. “It’s getting too much, I think my husband might begin to notice.” The woman lightly sobbed. “So what? You don’t care, or you said you didn’t a month ago, why don’t you leave him?” She started to cry harder. “Because….because I think I might be pregnant with his child!”
I gasped, but not so loudly that they could hear me. While I was no stranger to the horrors of the world, this was the first time I had had such a drama played out in front of me. I leaned forward and held my breath. My morbid sense of curiosity aroused.
“What do you mean? How could that be? You said you hadn’t…” his voice trailed off. “Oh. Never mind, I see it now.” His voice had turned angry and bitter. The woman sobbed harder, and seemed to turn away from him. Her shoulders shook, and she covered her face, as if seeking an escape. The man instantly turned remorseful. “Hey, babe, don’t worry, we can work this out…”
I leaned back, my curiosity for the moment satisfied. I didn’t really want to get involved. This was not my problem, not my affair. And yet…something about it resonated with me. Something about the situation this (seemingly) young couple brought back to me memories…memories of what my mother had told me years ago. How she had had an affair, but dropped it, when she realized she was pregnant with me.
Sunday, November 01, 2009
I want cooler weather!!!!!
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Conversations with my dad
Dad: "You're going into a scientific field, what did you expect?"
Dad: "At least you'll know all these big words and when people talk to you they'll say 'You're so smart!'....while staring at your dragon necklace"
Me: "But that's the fun part, people are so easy to confuse!"
Dad: "You like confusing people...?"
Me: "Of course! That's why psychology is so much fun!"
Dad rolls his eyes and walks away shaking his head.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Reasons I Love the 21st Century
2. Telephone - much as I dislike using it most of the time, it's a fantastic invention...and under telephone falls cellphone with all it's wonderful gadgets.
3. GPS - never get lost, or if you do, you have a convenient thing to blame it on. Men get thier toys, and get away with never asking for directions!
4. Computers - and all the lovely stuff you can do on it. Wordprocessing, games, pictures, the list goes on...
5. Internet - the world wide I need to elaborate more? Information at my fingertips.
6. Electricity - without which none of the above would be possible.
7. Ipods/MP3 players - now you can have your own soundtrack through life
8. Planes - can go around the world in WAY less than 80 days
9. Digital Cameras - makes even an amateurs pictures look good!
10. And the myriad other things that make our lives so much easier...too many to list!
Sunday, October 25, 2009
I won't grow up!
Monday, October 19, 2009
My first class is Biological Basis of Behavior, and everytime I go to this class I am reminded why I tended to skip anatomy in High School, and why I will never ever follow in my father's footsteps. It falls under WAAAAY too much information, and is (in my opinion anyways) too fond of big words for its own good.
My next class is Fractals in Psychology. The title is a bit misleading...what it boils down to is trying to convince a bunch of psych majors that "math is fun! and pretty!" At this point, I'm convinced that mathematicians are more than a bit crazy. Considering my college algebra teacher had a tendency to refer to problems as being "adorable" and "cute", and this teacher says "look at how pretty it turns out!" would you really argue with me? On the other hand, at least he tries to make it entertaining. Such as creating a hypercube ( a 4-D cube) from whatever you can find lying around at your house.
Class after that is the one I like the most. Social Psych, which has always fascinated me, as well as making the most sense to me. While I'm not into researching myself, the research that comes from this area of psych is pretty interesting stuff, all about how relate in our social settings, and how our cultures and environment effect us more than we think.
Second to last class, is probably my least favorite, if not actually tied with my last class. Billed as "Evolution and Animal Behavior" I was sold on it by the "animal behavior" bit. O'course, when I went to the class I was in for a bit of a surprise....we were gonna be learning Darwin...doing almost as close as we could be to meeting the man, we would be reading his biography, autobiography, and his most well-known work, "On the Origin of Species". Which currently, I have to read a chapter a week of and then come up with questions on it. And he is NOT an easy read, despite what my teacher seems to think. Plus I happen to completely disagree with one main part of his theory and have to sit through a 3 hour long class of people who agree with it...It's my once a week torture session.
The last class, which I hate almost as much as Darwin, is my Research Methods class. Now, I'm not going into the research side of psychology, however, the college I'm currently at only has a research psych graduate program, so that's what a lot of their classes focus on. So, like it or not, I have to write a research paper. Fortunately not expected to conduct a whole experiment myself, but I think I may have to do that before I can my B.A. And I'm a wee bit behind on it.
Well, that's it. All five classes. Thank goodness the semester is halfway over. Just need to survive the rest of it.
Thursday, October 08, 2009
Right Name...Wrong Person
"Excuse me, are you Mak?"
"Yeah..." I'm a little puzzled, since I've never seen this guy before.
"Oh, I'm CB, I've been getting your invitations all summer."
See, my step-father has the exact same name as this guy. And to make matters worse, this guy also lives RIGHT around the corner from us. So apparently when people were calling to find my address, they gave my step-father's name. I had honestly been wondering why I hadn;t gotten some of those invitations (and I went to the weddings anyway) but I guess that would explain it.
So, now when I'm missing an invite, I know where to look...either at this guy's house...or my next door neighbor.
Thursday, October 01, 2009
A Walk-y
Mariner pauses in his barking and starts bouncing around. I grab his leash and harness.
"Sit!" I snap my fingers at him, trying to get his attention. He lies down.
"That's not sitting...but ok."
*baaaarp* he burps.
I laugh, put on his harness and take him outside. He does his business, then decides to get playful and grabs his leash in his mouth. After a brief tug-of-war, I manage to get him back inside, where I take off his harness and leash, (so he doesn't eat through his 5th harness, how he manages to do that, WHILE he's wearing it, I have no idea, but it's getting ridiculous). He goes back to barking at something in the backyard.
What if people treated cars like computers?
Help Line: "General Motors Help Line, how can I help you?"
Customer: "I got in my car and closed the door and nothing happened!"
HelpLine: "Did you put the key in the ignition slot and turn it?"
Customer: "What's an ignition?"
HelpLine: "It's a starter motor that draws current from your battery and turns over the engine."
Customer: "Ignition? Motor? Battery? Engine? How come I have to know all these technical terms just to use my car?"
HelpLine: "General Motors HelpLine, how can I help you?"
Customer: "My car ran fine for a week and now it won't go anywhere!"
HelpLine: "Is the gas tank empty?"
Customer: "Huh? How do I know?"
HelpLine: "There's a little gauge on the front panel with a needle and markings from 'E' to 'F'. Where is the needle pointing?"
Customer: "It's pointing to 'E'. What does that mean?"
HelpLine: "It means you have to visit a gasoline vendor and purchase some more gasoline. You can install it yourself or paythe vendor to install it for you."
Customer: "What? I paid $12,000 for this car! Now you tell me that I have to keep buying more components? I want a car that comes with everything built in!"
HelpLine: "General Motors HelpLine, how can I help you?"
Customer: "Your cars suck!"
HelpLine: "What's wrong?"
Customer: "It crashed, that's what wrong!"
HelpLine: "What were you doing?"
Customer: "I wanted it to run faster, so I pushed the accelerator pedal all the way to the floor. It worked for a while and then it crashed and it won't start now!"
HelpLine: "It's your responsibility if you misuse the product. What do you expect us to do about it?"
Customer: "I want you to send me the latest version that doesn't crash any more!"
HelpLine: "General Motors HelpLine, how can I help you?"
Customer: "Hi, I just bought my first car, and I chose your car because it has automatic transmission, cruise control, power steering, power brakes, and power door locks."
HelpLine: "Thanks for buying our car. How can I help you?"
Customer: "How do I work it?"
HelpLine: "Do you know how to drive?"
Customer: "Do I know how to what?"
HelpLine: "Do you know how to drive?"
Customer: "I'm not a technical person. I just want to go places in my car!"
Friday, September 25, 2009
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Time and Travel: Florida vs. NY
But hey, even though my commute is considered far, at least I don't have my brother's! His commute is about 4 hrs, each way, 2x a week. So, 1/2, an hour at most, is not such a high price to pay. Still wouldn't do a NY commute though.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
TED: Ideas Worth Spreading
A fascinating way to view the internet, thought I'd share with you guys. It's a bit long, but well worth it.
Friday, September 18, 2009
L'Shana Tova
Chasima V'Chasima Tova!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Superpower Meme
Ok, hmmm, which to choose? Mind-reading has always been one of my personal favorites, just because it would help me to finally understand people. On the other hand, I've read too much stuff to think that that would really help me. So, not mind-reading.
Oooh, talking to animals, another favorite! (For obvious reasons) I'd finally get what my pets are trying to tell me. THough, let's be honest, while animals are wonderful companions, I'm not sure they'd make such great Dr. Dolittle-ing for me then.
Teleportation? Telekenisis? Telepathy? Teleportation would be cool, but I get the feeling I'd take it for granted after a while. Telekinesis would be cool, though it depends on how much effort it took (I'll admit, I'm lazy in the superpower department) Telepathy kinda falls under mind-reading, and is only really useful if there's someone else who has that power too.
Allright, I've got it. Shape-shifting, with no limitations. If I can imagine it, I can shift to it. How cool would that be? Gives me the ability to fly (another one I'd love), "talk to animals", and hey, I could even shift to dragon! (Yes, I added that in, come on, you guys didn't expect anything different, did you?)
Alright, I'm not gonna tag anyone, mainly because I'm feeling too lazy to try to link it. Anyone who wants to do the Meme (and I'd say go for it, it's fun, and gives you a post when you can't think of one) can do this.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
The Newest Dog Breeds
Collie + Lhasa Apso
Collapso, a dog that folds up for easy transport
Spitz + Chow Chow
Spitz-Chow, a dog that throws up a lot
Pointer + Setter
Poinsetter, a traditional Christmas pet
Great Pyrenees + Dachshund
Pyradachs, a puzzling breed
Pekingnese + Lhasa Apso
Peekasso, an abstract dog
Irish Water Spaniel + English Springer Spaniel
Irish Springer, a dog fresh and clean as a whistle
Labrador Retriever + Curly Coated Retriever
Lab Coat Retriever, the choice of research scientists
Newfoundland + Basset Hound
Newfound Asset Hound, a dog for financial advisors
Terrier + Bulldog
Terribull, a dog that makes awful mistakes
Bloodhound + Labrador
Blabador, a dog that barks incessantly
Malamute + Pointer
Moot Point, owned by.... oh, well, it doesn't matter anyway
Deerhound + Terrier
Derriere, a dog that's true to the end
Bull Terrier + ShihTzu
Oh, never mind....
Friday, September 11, 2009
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Uploaded Pics from My Camera
Tuesday, September 08, 2009
Root Canals and Laughing Gas
Add: Ok, once the novacaine wore off, not so fun. I felt like I'd cut my own my head off if I thought it would stop the pain. Instead I took advil and went to bed.
Thursday, September 03, 2009
What to post about?
Edit: Getting my first root canal on Tuesday, wish me luck!
Friday, August 28, 2009
Pack or Herd?
So how about you? The next time you're out and walking, you might want to watch...pack? Or herd?
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
My Trip to the Dentist
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Here's a thought...
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Broward cops are wusses, but don't #%&* with Miami Cops
A few years ago, a Broward cop was shot and killed. The police response? They put out a reward of $200,000 for any information regarding the possible suspect, last seen driving away in a white car. They still have not found the cop killer.
Several weeks after the incident with the Broward cop killer, a Miami cop was accidentally shot. BIG difference. The police were all over it, they shook down the community, practically shut down the neighborhood were the shooting took place, and by the end of the day, the cop killer was dead in a shoot out.
The lesson? Don't mess with Miami cops, but Broward cops have their hands tied by bureaucracy (stupidity).
It can buy a House
But not a Home
It can buy a Bed
But not Sleep
It can buy a Clock
But not Time
It can buy you a Book
But not Knowledge
It can buy you a Position
But not Respect
It can buy you Medicine
But not Health
It can buy you Blood
But not Life
So you see money isn't everything.
And it often causes pain and suffering.
I tell you this because I am your Friend,and as your Friend I want to take away your pain and suffering! So send me all your money and I will suffer for you!
Cash only please
Monday, August 17, 2009
High Speed Chase? Not So Much....
Saturday, August 08, 2009
Savannah, Georgia
Thursday, August 06, 2009
Hilton Head, Here I come!
Wednesday, August 05, 2009
Pitfalls of Pets
Add: I found the rest of the lizard...
Tuesday, August 04, 2009
The Foundation of a Relationship
Edit: Written at almost 4 am, I'm not sure how much sense this makes, I'll fix it up when I can make sense of it.
Sunday, August 02, 2009
Ok, most of this everyone who reads my blog probably already knows, but whatever. Here goes, in no specific order:
1. Animals! Or at least the cute furry ones. (This includes my pets)
2. Dragons! Actually most mythical creatures, but my love of dragons is probably the most obvious.
3. My family - despite the fact that they tend to drive me up the wall at times.
4. Reading - fantasy mainly, though I've read almost every other genre. Except for horror, that I refuse to read.
5. Feeling the changing of seasons (one thing that I miss by living in Florida)
6. Sitting and talking with good friends - who know me inside and out the same as I do them.
7. Meeting new people and learning new things!
Who to tag?
Jacob Da Jew, Mike in Midwood, SuperRaizy, Material Maidel, Child Ish, Frum College Girl
Monday, July 27, 2009
Treasure Hunter Part Deux
Finally having a break to breathe, she took a look at the artifact she had been sent for. It was a curious object, all rounded edges and curved lines. She discovered that looking too closely at it gave her a headache and made her feel nauseous and dizzy. She put it away. Let her employer deal with it. That was his arena, not hers. She looked around, seeing the choppy waters glinting in the moonlight, noting the lights off the starboard of her boat, indicating a seaside city. Rhea looked around, searching for the bobbing lights she knew were out there. She scanned the horizon, narrowing her eyes against the sea spray.
There, slightly obscured behind a seaside cliff, she saw the tell-tale red and blue lights of her employer’s boat, dipping on the wavelets of the sea. Turning the boat, she headed toward them, grateful that she was drawing close to the end of her job, and that she would finally get paid. This was of course no more dangerous than jobs she had accepted in the past, but it was far more dangerous then she had originally been informed, that would cost her employer dearly. Of course, he could more than afford it. After all, he was one of the wealthiest men on the planet.
This was what made his hiring Rhea, one of the most well known thieves (though she preferred the term “treasure hunter”) on the planet, all the more odd. If he was so wealthy, couldn’t he merely have purchased the item, instead of stealing it? Though all of those precautions set in place for such a little thing…she glanced at it again, out of the corner of her eye. When she looked at it this way, it almost seemed pretty. She shook her head, and focused on her goal.
She pulled up alongside the boat, more of a yacht than a mere “boat”. “Ahoy the ship!” she called out, not raising her voice overly much. Voices carried well over water, why borrow trouble by alerting anyone else in the vicinity? “Rhea? Is that you?” A tousled blonde head peered over the rail. The head belonged to a 17 year old boy, her nephew actually, who was also related (in some distant fashion she didn’t entirely fathom) to her employer. “No, it’s Donald Duck. Of course it’s me, now let down the ladder!” she half scolded, smiling. It was hard to be serious and grim around the infectious joy that Aeries inspired. The fact that her adrenaline was still spiked from near death experiences lent some giddiness to her as well.
There was a clatter, and a rope ladder was tossed over the side of the yacht. Tucking the strange artifact inside a satchel, not quite looking straight at it, she tucked the satchel close to her body and shimmied up the ladder. “I’m so glad you’re back!” he cried, still keeping his voice down. He threw his arms around her and hugged her tight for a moment. Then, remembering himself, he coughed and drew back, his face a brilliant scarlet, just barely visible in the moonlight. “I mean, um, I’m glad you’re safe.” He muttered. She grinned, safe in the knowledge that her face was still hidden in the shadow, but kept the laughter out of her voice. “It’s good to know someone was keeping a lookout for me. Oh, and you better not let Mr. Thomas see you covered in all that ash, he might think you disobeyed his orders and came with me like you wanted.” Aries looked down, dismayed. In his enthusiasm, he had hugged his aunt before checking the state of her clothing, and a great deal of the ash and dirt that covered her from head to toe had transferred to him. Then he looked at her, and took in the grey ash, turning her already grey camouflage even darker. Her light-brown hair was grey and brown with ash and dirt, her face was streaked with it.
Her light green eyes danced with amusement at the dismay in her nephew’s face. “Don’t worry, I’ll cover for you. Just go wash off, and get changed. I’ll meet with you and Mr. Thomas in fifteen minutes in the briefing cabin.” She strolled off, looking as calm and collected as ever. She always looked calm and collected, even when she was panicking inside. That was one of the things Aries admired most about her. That, and who wouldn’t admire someone who went off into danger, on grand adventures at the drop of a hat? So it was dangerous, as he had been lectured many times before, but like any teenager, he thought he was immortal.
Aries cleaned up as thoroughly as he cared to, and threw on a new t-shirt and cargo pants. He just hoped Mr. Thomas wouldn’t do a very close inspection. Sticking his hands into his pockets, he wandered over to the briefing cabin, though he knew he’d be the first one there. HE didn’t mind though, there was always something good to eat waiting for him in the room, no matter what time of day or night. Pushing open the door, he sniffed the air appreciatively it was his favorite, fried mangoes. Settling down in one of the big plush chairs around the table in the center of the room, he grabbed one of the sticky treats from a platter on the table. Just as he was about to take a bite, Mr. Thomas, walked into the room and Aries started guiltily.
Mr. Thomas was not a tall or imposing man. In fact, he was rather short and round, with a neatly trimmed red goatee, and his red hairline rapidly receding from his forehead. Despite the fact that he typically had the aura of a favorite uncle, he could be incredibly intimidating when he chose. Fortunately, now was not one of those times that he chose to. He smiled indulgently at Aries, and made a sweeping gesture. “Help yourself. I had it specially made for you and Rhea-“
“Did I hear my name uttered in vain?” Rhea asked, sweeping in, looking a bit more presentable then when she had been pulled over the side of the yacht. Her hair was up in a bun, her face was clear of ash, and she wore a clean t-shirt and jeans. “Oooh, fried mangoes, my favorite!! See, this is why I love working for you Mr. Thomas, the effort is well worth the reward.”
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Path Taken
I stand at a crossroads, which road to choose?
So many to choose from, but where do they go?
To decide one path is to rid myself of any other choice.
But what if it's wrong? I can't go back.
I look down one path, I squint down another, trying to figure out which is best.
As I stand there undecided, one path disappears.
Wait! But...what if I had chosen that path?
It's too late. I can't take the time any longer.
I choose my path.
I open my eyes.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Another E-mail My mother sent me
Recently, I overheard a mother and daughter in their last moments together at the airport. They had announced the departure. Standing near the security gate, they hugged, and the mother said, 'I love you, and I pray you enough.’
The daughter replied, 'Mom, our life together has been more than enough. Your love is all I ever needed. I pray you enough, too, Mom.'
They kissed, and the daughter left. The mother walked over to the window where I was seated. Standing there, I could see she wanted and needed to cry. I tried not to intrude on her privacy, but she welcomed me in by asking, 'Did you ever say good-bye to someone knowing it would be forever?'
Yes, I have,' I replied. 'Forgive me for asking, but why is this a forever good-bye?'
'Well...I'm not as young as I once was, she lives so far away & has her own busy life. I have some challenges ahead, and the reality is - her next trip back will be for my funeral,' she said.
'When you were saying good-bye, I heard you say, 'I pray you enough.' May I ask what that means?'
She began to smile. 'That's a prayer that has been handed down from other generations. My parents used to say it to everyone.' She paused a moment and looked up as if trying to remember it in detail, and she smiled even more. 'When we said, 'I pray you enough,' we wanted the other person to have a life filled with just enough good things to sustain them.'
Then, turning toward me, she shared the following as if she were reciting it from memory.
I pray you enough sun to keep your attitude bright no matter how gray the day may appear.
I pray you enough rain to appreciate the sun even more
I pray you enough happiness to keep your spirit alive and everlasting.
I pray you enough pain so that even the smallest of joys in life may appear bigger.
I pray you enough gain to satisfy your wanting.
I pray you enough loss to appreciate all that you possess.
I pray you enough hellos to get you through the final good-bye.
Then, she began to cry, and walked away.
They say, it takes a minute to find a special person, an hour to appreciate them, a day to love them, but an entire life to forget them.
To all my friends and loved ones,
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Mariner Goes Swimming
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Driving, Directions and Getting Lost
Can't wait till the next time I ride though. Now I just need to get a bike, though that's not happening till I get back from Hilton Head.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
For those of you who have been following my blog for a while, you probably remember that one of the things that I've mentioned is that I couldn't ride a bike. Well, last night I went to meet a friend who had come to Florida for a few days. SG was one of my roomates in seminary, and she's the only one i hadn't seen since seminary (about 4 yrs ago) So we went to dinner with her grandparents, who paid for the meal (we had steak - which made me very happy) and afterwards I drove with SG and her grandmother back to the house that her grandparents own - they're one of the winter snowbirds - only down this summer to ship some of their stuff to Isreal. But anyways, SG said why don't we ride the bikes around. I said I couldn't ride a bike, so she decided that she'd teach me. At first she tried holding onto the bike (like you would for a little kid) but then she gave up. After all, I'm a big girl, it was a big bike...I fell off a few times, but within half an hour I learned how to ride a bike!!!! I'm SO happy about that. On the other hand, today I am SO sore, but it was totally worth it.
Friday, July 10, 2009
Pet's Nicknames
Boots: Boot-boot
Mittens: Mitten-Kitten, pussycat, Mrrrr kitty
Diamond: Little Bird
Suki: Sukster, calico tiger
Thursday, July 09, 2009
My First Day of Class
Tuesday, July 07, 2009
An E-mail that my mom sent me
Haven't verified if this is true.
And I don't care.
Pictures are cute anyway.
Could you imagine coming home from work to find this tiny creature napping on your couch with your dog? Guess who came home for dinner?
It followed this beagle home, right through the doggy door. This happened in Maryland recently. The owner came home to find the visitor had made himself right at home. This hit the 6 o'clock news big time.

Thursday, July 02, 2009
Treasure Hunter
Who still uses pits filled with spikes? She thought, starting to panic. Then she mentally kicked herself. Get a GRIP, Rhea, you can DO this. Just focus on what’s right in front of you. Examine the situation calmly and without panicking. She glared at the deep pit, calculating it to be about 15 feet deep and 30 feet across, no way she could get across without some kind of tool. Out of the corner of her eye she noticed a long piece of wood that was only mildly singed, but still serviceable and sturdy. She lifted up one end, grunting with effort, it was heavier than it had first appeared, which was all to the good as far as she was concerned, that meant it was more likely to hold her weight. Once Rhea got her board to the edge of the pit however, she realized she had a problem. The board fell short of the end by ten feet.
She groaned quietly. Why was nothing ever easy? Just once it would be nice if everything fell into place. She shrugged off her brief bout of self pity and got back to the situation at hand. Okay, so the board was too short, was there anything else around, and don’t just look at the ground but look…up. She craned her neck, and looked above her. There, in the rafters was a rope swinging, if she could only get to it. But once she got it, would it be able to support her weight? Were the rafters so weakened by the fire that she’d go tumbling to her death? It didn’t matter, she had to take the chance, there was no choice, and no other way out. Once she got past the pit and grabbed what she had come for, she’d be out that final door and on her way to freedom. Or if not freedom, at least on her way to getting paid, which was close enough.
She clambered onto a nearby crate and grabbed the rope as it swung past her. She tugged a little, making sure it was actually attached at the top, and not just hanging over a rafter. Having assured herself that she would not immediately plunge to her death, she took a firm hold of the rope, took a deep breath, and leapt from the crate. The hot air choked in her throat, and blurred her eyes, making it all that much harder. On the first swing, she saw that she wasn’t going to quite make it across, but if she made herself a human pendulum…maybe she could gain enough momentum and then jump for it. As she swung, the thought crossed her mind that she had watched Indiana Jones WAY too much as a child. One swing, two swings, three swings…at the top of the arc she jumped, launching herself away from the rope. For a brief second, she had the glorious feeling of flight, and then she landed, rolling in the ash on the other side of the pit. Coughing and retching, she stood up. Not even bothering to brush off all the ash that had accumulated on her hair and clothes, she took off running. The time was over for stealth, it was now time to grab the artifact and run like hell. Good thing she had lots of practice with that.
There, just in her reach, was the object she had come for. It was a peculiar looking thing, but she didn’t have the time to stop and look it over. She could do that once she was out of the burning warehouse, which even now was beginning to creak, the fire taking its toll on the already ancient building. She reached out and grabbed it from its alcove inside I small box. When her hand touched it, she felt a small jolt, like electricity. She tucked it in to her jacket, so there would be less likely to be damage to it. The less damaged it was, the more money she’d get.
Turning, she saw the open door and ran for it, once she got outside, she dropped and rolled, just in case any of the snipers had escaped the inferno. After looking around and seeing that no one was shooting at her, she ran for the pier, and jumped into one of the boats waiting tied to the dock. Feverishly, she untied it, and pulled the boat away from the dock. Then she headed out to the ocean, for the planned rendezvous with her employer. Right on time.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Sunday, June 28, 2009
My Trip to NY and Other things
And the other stuff? Pictures of Mariner of course! He graduated from puppy obedience training and they had a little graduation party. Including graduation caps...the owners were thrilled about this, the dogs less so.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Going to NY
Whenever I get into a discussion with a NYer about living in NY, I tell them I like visiting, but I wouldn't want to live there. For some reason, every NYer I have told this to, then decides to take it upon themselves to convince me how great NY is, and why I should live there instead of South Florida. I've heard it all, and I'm still not convinced. Then again, maybe I'm just biased. Both of my parents were born in NY and grew up there, and both of them hated it (which is why they moved down here obviously) so it's quite possible that I'm just brainwashed. But that doesn't mean I'm changing my mind, I love FL!
Good Joke
This sign was prominently displayed in the window of a businessin Philadelphia. Most would be outraged at the thought of such aninflammatory statement...
One would think that anti-hate groups from all across the countrywould be marching on this business and that the National Guardmight have to be called to keep the angry crowds back...
But, perhaps in these stressful times one might be tempted to letthe proprietors simply make their statement. We are a society whohold Freedom of Speech as perhaps our greatest liberty and afterall it is just a sign...
You may be asking what business would dare post such a sign?
.........Goldberg's Funeral Home!
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Monday, June 22, 2009
No Pain, No Gain
Yet Another Odd Dream
I'm standing in the middle of an airforce base next to an airplane hangar, and a large guy stumbles out, holding onto something, he gives me this kind of bleary grin, like he's wondering what I'm doing there. I tell him that I'm an emotions wizard, and I get my power from people's emotions. (for some reason I feel the need to explain this to every person I stand near in my dream.) He shrugs, and asks me if I want some weed, I tell him no, he gets high and very happy and I get the power from his emotions. Apparently, I figure out after meeting a few people, it doesn't matter what KIND of emotions, I get power from any equally. Anyways, I transport myself to this little bazaar, with camels, and a guy who wants my power (of course). And apparently camels have emotions too, so I was able to get power from them. Suddenly there was a horde of zombies coming to attack, and I found out zombies have emotions too, which gave me the power I needed to destroy them.
I seriously wish I could interpret my dreams sometimes.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Sunday, June 07, 2009
Subconcsious Dreams
I've had the secind dream in 2 nights about saving the world. Which means I either have a hero?heroine complex or or that I think that the world is in serious need of some saving. Or possibly both.
What I KNOW my subconscious is telling me is that Diet Pepsi is evil....since apparently it had an evil prescence trapped in a bottle. Clearly I need some intervention either way.
Friday, June 05, 2009
Driving in the Rain
I took this video while driving (holding the video camera to the side while I payed attention to the road, don't think of it too much or it will just scare you.) I had the radio on while driving, and it was pouring, there are parts of the video that sound like interference but that was just the rain coming down on the car. Bit of a long video, but I think it will give a good idea for those who have never driven in Florida rain before. For those who have, it will just bring back wonderful memories I'm sure.