Just to have them up here, little drabbles of memories.
Staying up till 2 a.m., the lights were supposed to shut off at twelve but someone fiddled with them the first night....Our plumbing no longer working and so the shower overflowed and all thw water came into the center of our dira...Clean up on Sundays, the powow with the garbage acting asz the "fire" and DBH dancing around it, singing at the top of her lungs, my roommates dressed up as Russian cleaning ladies...at the end of the year, working on the yearbook going several nights with no sleep, at around 5 am desperately wishing for bed....Staying up all night wandering around the old city Yerushalayim on succos with one of my roomates, I made friends with a kitten by the kosel...tiyulim, we were all so sore after our first one and having to go up four flights of stairs was sheer torture....my dira's "wall of happiness", basically just a bunch of cute quotes, and we had a hieght chart as well...walking all over Har Nof with SCC, and walkinmg to geulah and tachanah merchazit....
Awesome graphic on the side of your page.
This post sure brings back memories. But you forgot to mention those important ones, like FOOD: fro-yo's, iced coffee in tachana merkazit, falafel from those scary little falafel stands, krembo (ew), ice cream with real real real real chocolate on the outside (yum), etc
Israel is great you did miss the food the only place to get a good Shawarma in laffa.
Can you imagine, I spent two years in Israel and countless summers and never ate schwarma?
I loved the Iced coffee at the tachanah, I never had fro-yo's, and crembos? I managed to eat a whole box of them (shared with a couple of friends) I think I had schwarma a total of once, but then again, I'm not a big meat fan. I prefered getting Pizza from center one. No wonder I gained so much weight in Israel!
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